How to use Quuery

We’re all about helping you be successful. Selecting the right type of jobs you’re interested in helps Quuery’s Keyword engine optomize your Resume Keywords. Here’s how to do it.
Job Search
Quuery’s job search engine has a broad array of search and filter tools to help you find to the right opportunity.
Keyword Analysis Job Search: This type of job search helps the Keyword engine know what types of jobs you’re interested in. Don’t worry if all the jobs are not perfect matches, the AI will take care of that. The best search terms are functional business areas. Think “Data Science”, “Marketing”, “Total Rewards”, “IT”, or “Revenue”.
Jobs to apply to Job Search: Be as specific as you like, and remember you’ve got some powerful filters to use on the results.
Select multiple locations/Search Terms/Job Titles using the TAB or ENTER keys.
Location. Select the locations you would like to search. These can be as small as a town or as large as a state or country.
Search Term/Exclude Terms. Good search terms are generally a business function or area of interest. This might include “Information Technology” or “Customer Service”. If there are words that you know you wouldn’t want to see in a job description, you can use the Exclude Search Term box.
Title Words/Exclude Title Words. Job titles have 2 parts, a rank and a function. Good title word searches should use the functional part, the “Communications” in Director of Communications. You can then use filters in the result table (see below) to specify a rank.
Companies. If there is a specific company or group of companies you really want to work for, then select them here. Leave off “LLCs” or “Corps” and use the companies trading name, i.e. Netflix, Uber, or Google.
When everything is set, click “Search” to start the crawler. Typically, a search takes 1-3 minutes.

Job Results
Once the crawler is running, you can check its progress by clicking the “Refresh” button in the upper right. If it’s still running, no worries. When the crawler has finished its results, the search status will say “Complete”. Like below.

954 active jobs… awesome. Click “Analyze Keywords” to start the Keyword engine. It will take about 5 minutes to analyze the Keywords, so click “Complete” in the Search Status column to see your job search results, or “New Search” to start another job search.

From the Map, we can see that California has a higher concentration of jobs for Communications. Click “Table” to see the list of Jobs.

Power Filters: Use the slider on the left to select the age of the job postings. Use the filters for Job Title, Company Location and Level (job Rank). Want to clear all filters, click “Clear Filters” in the upper left. When you’re ready, click the “Results” tab to go back to your list of Searches.
Keyword Analysis
Keywords make your Resume standout to Recruiters and Hiring Managers. Here’s how to get them, and what to do with them.

Once the Keyword engine is finished running, you’ll see “Complete” in the Keyword column. Click it for the Keywords.
Keyword Cloud

The Cloud. An overview of your Keywords. Larger words are more important, so if it’s big, these should be words you’ll want to know. Here, “Service Representative” and “Communication Method” are large and important Keywords.
Keyword Demand Graph

The Employer Demand graph predicts the search demand for each Keyword. Words higher on the graph are in higher demand from specific employers. Words further to the right are demanded by a broader range of employers. Keywords in the upper right (like “service representative”, indicated here) are high very high demand from all employers. These words/phrases need to be on your resume.
The Keyword List

The Keyword list gives you the top 200 Keywords for the jobs you’r interested in, ordered by their Power Value. Power Values predict Recruiter interest both in terms of search frequency and engagement. The top Keywords help you get noticed and improve your resume.