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Let me ask you something. Have you ever been “Ghosted” after applying to that perfect job? Have you heard of, but don’t know how to access the “hidden” job Market? The Job Market was complicated before COVID-19, and now, the stakes are even higher. There are a myriad of obstacles in front of today’s Job seeker, so much so, that we call it the Job Search Marathon.
Job posts receive over 250 applications. Only 2% will be called for an interview.
Finding opportunities, applying, interviewing, negotiating… On average, only 2% of applicants will be called for an interview but, the average job posting gets more than 250 applications. At 2%, the best you can hope for is getting 1 call for ever 50 applications submitted. When you consider that the average applicant spends 118 minutes per application, that’s 96+ hours wasted, more than 12 full-time working days on jobs applications that will lead nowhere.
Only 14.9% of jobs are filled by job board posts. What about the other 85%?
Most jobs are filled by Recruiters. Recruiters spend their time searching for candidates using Keyword searches on sites like LinkedIn, Monster, and Careerbuilder. There are thousands of Recruiters searching for candidates every day. But unlike jobs posted to job boards, Recruiters submit 2-3 candidates instead of 250 to their client company. The jobs that Recruiter’s recruit for are typically better, higher paying jobs.
So, how do I attract Recruiters’ attention?
This is why we invented Quuery’s patent-pending Resume Keyword Engine. More than a year in testing and development, Quuery’s Keyword engine reads tens of thousands of job descriptions every day to predict the Keywords that recruiters are searching for and the words and phrases that impress them, once they find you.
Instead of you searching for a Job, Jobs search for you. Welcome to the Modern Age of Job Search.
With the right Keywords on your resume and online profiles, searching for a job just became a lot easier. Alternatively, you can use Quuery’s advanced Job search tools to identify that jobs you are interested in. With Quuery Keywords enhanced resume, get a 10-fold increase in response rate to jobs to which you apply.
Quuery’s Keywords deliver as much as 50 times the recruiting traffic. Here’s how.
We tested it. In over a year of enhancing online profiles from college graduates, we found that resumes using Quuery Keywords saw a greater than 50-fold increase in recruiting traffic and a 10-fold increase in response rate to job applications, compared to a traditional resume and application process. Same education, same experience, same accomplishments, same person… the only difference was the better description of that experience using Quuery’s Keywords.
What about COVID-19? Companies continue to hire through Recruiters.
Job posts have slowed, but not in all sectors of the Job Market. The April job data indicate that job postings are down about 75% compared to March, 2020. Recruiting went down about 50%, but has since started to recover. Recent data shows that Recruiting activity is back up to around 75% of pre-COVID-19 levels, and is steadily climbing. The reason; companies are recruiting to fill critical (high-paying) roles, so while job posts are disappearing, companies still need people to return to normal.
Quuery enhanced resumes are delivering 68 times more recruiting emails than traditional resumes, during COVID-19.
To be sure, the slow-down makes the market more competitive, all the more reason to use the right Keywords on your resume. Our data shows that Quuery Keyword enhanced resumes, during the COVID-19 pandemic are delivering more than 68 times the number of recruiting emails than traditional resumes.
If you’ed like to learn more, visit our website at www.quuery.com, start a chat with us at www.quuery.com/customer-success/ or learn how do use Quuery at https://quuery.com/index.php/how-to-run-a-quuery-search/.