Effective Keywords = More Recruiter Traffic = Jobs Find You
Why Quuery?
We spend more than one third of our lives working. Call it a job, a career, a calling; work should allow us to provide for our families and fulfill the soul. So why is it so hard to find a good job?
• 14.9%. The percent of jobs filled by job boards.
• 250, the average number of resumes received per job post.
• 2%, the percent of applicants that will get called for an interview.
14.9%… What about the rest of the jobs? Most jobs are filled by Recruiters who search for candidates using Keywords and submit 3-5 candidates to the company. Get out of the pile of resumes and into the job.
In real-world testing (March – April, 2020), during this economic downturn, we found that resumes optimized with Quuery Keywords drove 50.5X, yes, 50 times more than the number of recruitment emails from a traditional online resume. That’s 115 job opportunities without applying to a single job post. In just over a year’s worth of testing, a single resume, optimized with Quuery Keywords delivered 3,028 recruiting emails.
With the Right Keywords from Quuery,
• Recruiters search for you instead of you searching for jobs.
• You can “Talk-the-talk” by using your Keywords in the interview.
• Use missing Keywords as a roadmap to take your career to the next level.
Welcome to the modern age of Job Search.
-Dr. Richard Kerr, Head of Data Science & AI Development, Quuery.